About Kaide (she/her)
As your midwife my role is that of a facilitator and guide. When we meet regularly during your pregnancy it is my goal that you will see yourself as the authority on your body and your baby and that you will see me as a collaborator on this journey toward the birth you desire. Birth is a life changing event for every individual and every family. I feel privileged that my training has given me the skills to walk the path of pregnancy and birth with the clients that I serve.

My introduction to homebirth and midwifery happened very early. I was born at home and my aunt was the midwife in attendance. My mother was also a practicing midwife in Eastern Washington when I was young. She served families out of our home and I have fond memories of going to occasional prenatal and postpartum visits with her as a child. The family lore is that I was destined to become a midwife because I went to my first birth at just two weeks old. Because of this, birth has always seemed like a natural process to me. By the time I was ten I knew I was going to be a midwife someday. Despite hearing this call at a relatively young age, It took decades and many bumps in the road before I finally realized that dream.
In 2016 I graduated from Bastyr University with a Master's Degree in Midwifery. During my training I was blessed to work with many of the excellent midwives local to the Seattle area. As a student I attended over 100 births in various settings including homes, birth centers and hospitals. Each one of these births informed the way I practice midwifery and each one affirmed my belief in birth. I believe that the best place to birth is where you feel most comfortable, safe and supported and I want to support you in giving birth in that space.
After graduating from midwifery school I spent a year providing midwifery care to families in the Seattle area. In 2018 my family and I moved to Olympia and I commuted to the Harbor while establishing this practice. As of 2020 we have moved and settled in to our new home in Aberdeen.
In 2021 we purchased Harbor Books and now we have two small family businesses in Hoquiam!

My wife, Melinda, and I have four growing children ranging in age from 25 to 10. They keep us very busy! As a family we enjoy playing games together and enjoying all of the fun adventures that our beautiful area has to offer.